In this paragraph, I’m going to discuss Tejgaon Postal code Dhaka Bangladesh. Tejgaon Postal code is 1215. Also known as a ZIP code, is a system of postal codes used by countries to simplify the sorting and delivery of mail. Each postal code corresponds to a specific geographical area, making it easier to track the destination of a letter or package.
Tejgaon Postal code
Are You looking for Tejgaon Postal code? you are in the right place. We are going to share with you the Tejgaon postal code of Tejgaon. Tejgaon is a prominent Location in Tejgaon Thana. The postal code for Tejgaon plays a crucial role in facilitating mail delivery within this bustling area.
Tejgaon Postal code
Firstly, Tejgaon is on of the most popular places in Tejgaon Thana. Also Tejgaon post code is same zip code. Tejgaon post code you can help you where you are going to send official or unofficial letters or any important mails.

তেজগাঁও পোস্টাল কোড
আপনি কি ঢাকা জেলার তেজগাঁও পোস্টাল কোড পোস্ট কোড খুঁজছেন? তাহলে এই লিখাটি আপনার জন্য। এই আর্টিক্যাল এর মধ্যে তেজগাঁও পোস্টাল কোড পোস্ট কোড এবং এর আসে পাশের সকল পোষ্ট কোড এর তালিকা দেওয়া হয়েছে। ঢাকা জেলার তেজগাঁও পোস্টাল কোড পোস্ট কোড হচ্ছে ১২১৫। সকল চিঠি পত্র বিভিন্ন যায়গায় এই পোস্ট অফিস এর ম্যাধমে পাঠানো হয়। এই জন্য আপনাকে অবশ্যই পোস্ট অফিস কোড জেনে রাখা জরুরি।
Thana | Post Office | Post Code |
Tejgaon | Tejgaon | 1215 |
Postal code of Tejgaon
However, If you want to send letters or documents to another area, you need to know Postal code of Tejgaon. Maybe, Today we will share the Accurate Post Code of Tejgaon.
Tejgaon Zip Code
Moreover, Tejgaon Zip Code and Postal or Post code are actually same. In different countries its use is different. But, Bangladesh people Use both name of Post code postal code or Zip code. Tejgaon Zip Code is 1215.
Zip Code of Tejgaon
As a result, Zip code helps us to identify the specific location of any district or Thana. When you want to sent any letters or any important mails using post office.
FAQ about Tejgaon Post Code
what is zip code of Tejgaon?
Tejgaon zip code is 1215.
what is pin code of Tejgaon?
Tejgaon pin code is 1215
what is postal code of Tejgaon?
Tejgaon Postal code is 1215
what is post code of Tejgaon?
Tejgaon post code is 1215.
Understanding the Tejgaon Postal code is essential for anyone who needs to send mail or packages to this area. It ensures that your items will reach their intended destination without delay. Always double-check the postal code before sending any mail to avoid any potential delivery issues.
I hope you are clear information of Tejgaon post code and postal code or Zip code. if you have nay problem Fell Free Comment below. Next reply I Will answer your Question. Thanks